Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Because We Appreciate Him

I appreciate my husband. I try to remember to tell him that every day but sometimes I forget. Sometimes we get focused on the financial situation and everything starts looking bleak... but our marriage is our foundation. 

In July, we will celebrate ten years married. None of them have been easy. We have faced a lot of hardships, but it has been easier somehow knowing that his love for me was constant.

Ed is my strength when I have none left of my own. He comes in and props me up until I can stand on my own again. 

He has loved my children as his own since day one. He has accepted them as a extensions of me, of us. My grandmother is his grandmother, and he cares for her as he would his own.
My husband is a good man. 

I am so thankful that he chooses to give his love to us. 

I'm happy to say Ed's job is starting to pay steady as well. Still a bit off on the frequency front, but it is steady. 

He is the reason I work so hard.


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